Kitchen Design in St. Louis MO for Your New Business

by | Apr 5, 2013 | Restaurants

Are you going to be opening a business in the near future that requires a commercial kitchen space? If so, it’s important that you understand just how crucial the layout of this space is. The layout of a commercial kitchen plays a role in not just the productivity of the staff, but the productivity and efficiency of the business as a whole. Misplaced equipment, faulty traffic patterns, and inefficient setups can all spell trouble, so do your best to eliminate any issues before they ever have the chance to start!

Efficiency is Key

The first step in a successful commercial kitchen is ensuring that everything works in harmony. When you work with a professional on kitchen design in St. Louis MO, you can discuss your ideas and then see them materialize into real, live plans. With a professional touch, you can ensure that your layout is both effective and safe for your employees who will be working there each and every day.

Modern Tools

When you choose to take a professional route regarding kitchen design in St. Louis MO, you can also count on having a reliable resource when it comes to purchasing the best equipment in the industry. From large appliances like stoves and ice machines to smaller details like cookware and kitchen cutlery, a great design is nothing without great equipment to match!

Off to the Right Start

When you take the time to consider these details before an inefficient layout or faulty equipment start to negatively impact your business, you can count on less downtime, increased productivity, and a more successful business overall. Whether you’re in the restaurant industry or hospitality industry – the kitchen is often the most important place you’ll be focusing on. Take advantage of the amazing resources in the St. Louis area and see just how great your business can be!

Ford Hotel Supply has been helping business owners reach their full potential in the food service industry since 1911. As a full service firm that offers both supply and design assistance, you can find everything you need to get your commercial kitchen off on the right foot with Ford.

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