Great Tips for Hosting a Private Party at a Restaurant

by | Aug 8, 2018 | Restaurants

Sometimes, if you live in a small place or prefer not to have people over, having a party can’t be done at home. The good news is that there are many options for renting a restaurant for private parties in New Jersey. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small anniversary party or a massive engagement party, there will be a restaurant happy to host you. However, you do need to plan it first.

Planning the Party

You want to begin planning early to ensure the best results. Think about what kind of event it is and how you envision it. Maybe you want a late-night dinner on the weekend. Maybe you want an early morning brunch. Think through the ideas you have and what activities you want to have at the party. Then pick out a date and a theme before moving forward with contacting restaurants.

Do Some Research

After you have things figured out, do some online research on potential restaurants. Make a list of a few restaurants that might work well and vis them. Show up when the party might take place to get an idea of the vibe you’ll get if you choose them. This is how you’re going to narrow things down to a single restaurant who you want to use for the party.

Talk Details

Call and make a meeting with the owner to discuss the event. Ask permission for any outside food or decorations you may want to bring. Don’t try to slip anything past them, if it’s not possible, you’ll have to find a new idea or switch up restaurants. You should also make sure to inform the restaurant of how many guests you expect so they can staff for the party appropriately.

Send Invitations

Make sure your invitations are transparent. If you want to host a party but expect all the guests to pay something, make sure that’s clear. You don’t want anyone to be confused or upset at the party. A simple email invite may work for a casual event. If you plan to foot the bill, go for something a bit more formal, if you prefer.

Where to Host the Party

The Windlass is a restaurant for private parties in New Jersey. The menu is filled with Italian-American fare, and there is seating inside and out. If you are looking for a great place for your party, we’d love to help you plan it.

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